Sunday, 26 June 2011

was meaning to post this a while ago; richard phillips seeks to expose adult film performer - sasha grey's "expressive and psychological transformation into a cinematic actor" with this intriguing and seductively shot short film.

Monday, 20 June 2011

images via bengt fashion.

more from mary katrantzou, this time complimented by erik madigan heck's 19th century painting inspired photography. lushhhh

Saturday, 18 June 2011

viktor timofeev via universal everything. reminds me of alberto giacometti

Thursday, 16 June 2011

marc gómez de moral. the stunning cinematography, editing and visual feast that are his videos are provocative in more ways than one. check out his vimeo account for more.

Saturday, 11 June 2011

tremaine harris: top- 'strawberry valleys' and 'mountains'



been working on my logo of recent…just finished - i think?


Wednesday, 8 June 2011

just wow. this is beyond glamour-risqué... never in my life would i ever be brave enough to wear this so kudos to her! she looks stunning!

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Don't Think…Sphinct!

i found out about the recent scientific discovery that a fuller bladder aids decisiveness and vigilant thinking, which (naturally) led me to create a business advisory service in the form of a call centre where employees are forced to remain ‘fully hydrated’ (aka bursting) in a toilet free environment. i thought 'sphinct tank' would be a fitting company name - a play on 'think tank' -comic genius?…i think not - or sphinct not i should say haha, okay i'll stop now.

the video can be watched here, apologies it's a bit hard to understand…the vocab's a bit wordy for a 5am voiceover recording lol.

urgh!…annoyingly i just came across this lush online magazine, just managed to take a screen shot of this look i LOVE but my internet crashed and wont allow me to access the page again, so i can't remember which magazine i was looking at lol. neewoo love the hair, the lipstick and one day…ONE DAY - i will have the legs to rock those trousers :(

love this waggish editorial from Matt Robinson exploring contemporary British 'Lad Culture'.

Friday, 3 June 2011

just stumbled across sam green who i rather like. he's also worked on dj fresh's kryptonite album. his snaps from japan are really rather nice aswell.