this was my very first 'live' brief during foundation at kingston. we had to come up with a poster for our final exhibition show in a week. initially i wanted something shocking and humourous - but honest at the same time, and with such an intense course, all i could think about was how exhausted we were all feeling by that time - i enjoyed it alot, but our tutors really do push us to the max…
as the show was the climax of our efforts i played on this idea by photographing my friends playing dead, as though they'd collapsed in the studio, from extreme overwork and exhaustion. however in my initial photographs its probably safe to say that they look a little too lifeless which might not be sending out the best message to prospective students and although i liked the context of the studio i felt they needed something a bit more…

i developed the idea further by making it more evident why there were a bunch of dead students lying about….one option was to have a magnificent piece of artwork set up to represent all the work we have achieved throughout the year….but i wanted something more subtle, and so went with the title; 'Artistic Overdose' laboriously carved out of a giant sheet of paper. White on white was perhaps not so clever and consequently it came out too subtle, but it probably could have worked with the correct lighting equipment (i could only use the light from the window due to time restraint)…

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